The Love And Relationships Declaration

The love and relationship podcast is for those dedicated to wanting healthy relationships in their lives either with themselves or with a romantic partner long term.  We focus on facts over feelings so you can get the results you are looking for in your dating life.

We want our clothing to make a statement that men and woman can work together and have a successful relationship are the odds stacked against you yes but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. And we want our clothing line to represent togetherness and unity.

The love and relationship podcast exists to represent those dedicated to having successful relationships and ones with purpose. The love and relationship podcast isn’t just a movement, it’s lifestyle and mindset.


This Podcast was put by Michael White with intent to help people get the relationships they desire, how to grow in self-love and accountability.

We all know relationships are one the most difficult things to do. We aren’t taught on how to be in a relationship you just have figure it out and unfortunately this causes a lot of issues high divorce rates, people jumping from relationship to relationship looking for happiness in all the wrong places and worst of all people test driving people’s hearts when they clearly aren’t ready for a relationship. So, with our platform we want to educate people, so they make better choices in there dating life and get the results they are looking for a good relationship which leads to marriage. We want to come with real stuff you can implement in your real life. So, you can see those results that you are looking for will it be easy no, but will it be rewarding yes.

This planform was created was created by people who respect relationships to full and the joy they can bring you doing it with the right people either romantically or in a friendship.

Every couple of months we here at the love and relationship podcast are going to bring you new designs and products that are going to represent our brand to the high level and also be fashionable.

We Create, We Inspire, We Teach

Michael E White

CEO // Co-Founder

Michael’s mission in life is to help people find meaning and purpose in their lives. Especially when it comes to relationships. Michael understands more than anyone what it’s like to struggle especially when it comes to relationships. After failed relationships one after another he started to study the masculine and feminine and how it works in a relationship because how can you have success at something if you don’t understand it? So now he is coaching people though his content and how to get the respect and love you desire.  Michael has always had gift for coaching many people have come to Michael in past either for life advice or dating advice, but it’s always been more dating, so he found his calling in life and that’s why he loves helping people.